Sunday, November 24, 2013
Covert Affairs 4.16: Trompe le Monde & Season 4
Well, here we are. Covert Affairs has finished its 4th season, and we can now look back with 20/20 hindsight and figure out what worked ... and what did not. The final two eps were filmed in Hong Kong, and were *visually* awesome, as this show always is with all its foreign shoots. The finale was a fairly solid ep in and of itself, as all the fall season eps mostly were, IF I could have subtracted the Helesa storyline out of them. The climactic scene (of not just the ep but the entire season) was very satisfying ... another one of those lovely scenes that manage to rise above the clutter and frustrations of the season, at least in those fleeting moments. I want to put a screenshot of it here but I don't want this post to be too spoilery, so I'll refrain.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Covert Affairs 4.15: There Goes My Gun
O.k. this is super obnoxious ... I always use Amazon HD to get my screenshots for these blog posts, but for some reason, Covert Affairs ep 4.15 is still not available to watch there. They normally make them available in the wee hours of the morning after it airs. Not sure what the hold-up is. Guess I'll just use these pics I got from the show's official Facebook page. The one below of Auggie fighting the dude in Hong Kong is a real doozy. It's too hilarious not to use if I can't get the screenshots myself from Amazon. Heh.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Covert Affairs 4.14: River Euphrates
Hahahaha ... is this too mean? I'm sorry but this is ALL I saw from every single A&A interaction for this entire episode. 10,000 nails on 10,000 chalkboards. Granted, if I could completely separate this A&A storyline out of the episode, it was actually pretty decent otherwise. It's just that exactly what I feared would happen with A&A after last week's ep is now playing out just as I had pictured it - in a way that makes every scene with Annie and Auggie just make me feel miserable. Completely, utterly miserable. I want to punch Auggie, I want to smack some sense into Annie, and I want to throw my TV out the window during every scene with them together (thank god we only had to endure a couple though).
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Covert Affairs: No. 13 Baby a.k.a. The One Where They Ruin Auggie
Dear Covert Affairs,
Dear Auggie,
From last week: My god, could Helen a.k.a. Helesa BE any effing worse!?
YES. I mean NO she CANNOT be any effing worse but she DOES GET WORSE. Soooooooooooo much worse!!!
From last week: Does Covert Affairs have its mojo back?
NO. O.k. well, kind of. I mean in the sense of telling a coherent story ... they're actually still doing pretty well. In the sense of giving me something I actually want to watch, however?? Well, for the first 38-ish minutes, yes, they gave me mostly good stuff. But then, they did the TV equivalent of putting 10,000 kittens through a huge blender right in front of me. The took a HUGE EFFING DUMP ALL OVER MY TV SCREEN FOR THE REST OF THE EPISODE. Hahaha o.k. well not for the whole rest of the episode. But once they took the dump ... all I could see in my head for the rest of the ep was diarrhea (by the name of Helesa). I couldn't scrub the diarrhea off. It was permanently there. I was just living on Diarrhea Planet.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Covert Affairs 4.12: Something Against You
My god, could Helen a.k.a. Helesa (remember her alias earlier in the season was Teresa something) BE any effing worse!? She is not only a completely unnecessary and grating character, but she proved in this week's episode to be a TOTAL scammer. Back in ep 4.07 she was all like, "Ohh whoops sorry Auggie I never loved you, it was all for the mission, duh!!" "Oh Annie, falling in love is dangerous, going dark is the best!! OMG it's soooo kewl you should try it out too!! You can be SO awesome as a spy this way I swear!! It's totes fun. Love only slows you down. Dump the loser and you can be cool like me."
And now this week she's all like, "OH wait what's that you say?? Annie's dead!? OH in that case! Auggie I DID love you, I never stopped loving you, I totally regret going dark what the hell was I thinking OMG!!?? Going dark is so lame I shoulda never done that shit!!" UGGH. Just go EAT A BAG OF Ds HELESA, SERIOUSLY. And get out of our faces already. You are a plot device and you're doing nothing but EFFING shit up in the most obnoxious way possible for the audience.
Anyway. Despite my venomous reaction to Helesa being on my TV screen, luckily her screen time was kept mercifully short in this episode. And the rest of the ep actually managed to be pretty damn good. Two weeks in a row of good eps now. Does Covert Affairs have its mojo back? God ... please TV gods ... I pray to you that this is the case.
Annie has been thrown off the rails in this ep, and it appears that she may be starting to have feelings and stuff again, like a normal human. Maybe. I hope so. We'll see what happens next week. Here's my review at GeekFurious:
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Covert Affairs 4.11: Dead
A month ago, when the mid-season finale of Covert Affairs aired, I was extremely frustrated with this show. I went into the fall premiere with another month's worth of realizing how annoyed and disappointed I was with the way that the quality of the storytelling seemed to complete drop off a cliff between episodes 6 and 7 of this season. The first 6 eps were quite enjoyable and I had given them all good ratings in my reviews.
So I couldn't, and still can't, figure out why the next 4 eps were such a cluster of half-baked and convoluted stories, leading into an ultimate decision by Annie that felt totally unconvincing. And the crazy thing is that the turn in the story was actually something that I really LIKED in theory. It's something that should be completely amazing and badass, but we got there in a way that didn't make much sense.
This week's fall premiere was the start of that new storyline, so I tried to just set my frustration with the way the show brought us here to the side, and take in the new storyline for what it was, on its own. Interestingly ... the ep ended up being FAR better than the last four. It felt like suddenly the show had come back to sanity ... back to the show that gave us 6 quality episodes in the first third of the season.
I don't know what happened, or why, but it suddenly feels like the show has its focus back. It's a bit of a different focus, but it's one that sounds extremely interesting to me. I see great potential in it, and it's starting to give me hope again. Will the goodness continue, or will we return to convoluted chaos again before the season is out? Only time will tell, but in the meantime, here's my ep 4.11 review at GeekFurious:
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Covert Affairs Eps 4.09 "Hang Wire" & 4.10 "Levitate Me"
My last post was for episode 4.08, because I went out of town on vacation for a week and a half after that. I was out of the country for 4.09 & 4.10, so this is my post to link to those two reviews. At the time of my last post for 4.08, this is what I said:
I just pray that eps 4.09 and 4.10 are completely epic because ... they seriously need to be to make up for the lameness of 4.07 and 4.08.
So ... were they epic? Well ... no. They were not epic. They were not horrible, don't get me wrong, but they just, were NOT epic either. And rather than appease the frustrations I was already having after 4.07-8, they simply compounded and multiplied them. And it all ended in this scene:
This scene that just ... it broke my fangirl heart, because it was something that could have been SO amazing. It could have been. It SHOULD have been. There's no goddamn way this should have been anything other than ass-kickingly awesome. But it just wasn't, and the problem was NOT the scene itself. The scene on its own was wonderful. The problem was that very little of what led into it made sense. And therefore, the scene itself didn't hold much weight.
UGGH. Anyway. Just check out my reviews for the details. Will they fuck up the back 6 when the fall season starts?? We've had 6 good eps this season and then 4 not-great ones in a row. Somebody wave a magic TV wand for me, please.
Ep 4.09 "Hang Wire":
Ep 4.10 "Levitate Me":
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Covert Affairs 4.08: I've Been Waiting For You
Sigh. Covert Affairs, WHY are you doing this to me?? You know how much I love our Sweet Puma Cub. And last week's ep was so painful to watch, that I thought a Teo-heavy episode was going to be just the remedy we needed this week. Turns out, there is actually such thing as too much Baby Teo. Who would have predicted!? It also turns out that Brooding Mysterious Teo is a lot sexier than Whiney Daddy-Issues Teo.
I'm being a little unfair, because I actually liked the scene with Arthur in the woods. But, the reason I had issues with it here was because it completely steamrolled over our MAIN characters. Well, just read my full review and you'll see what I'm talking about:
I'll admit though, despite all that, the Teo-punching scene in the motel room was pretty awesome.
I'll on vacay next week so my review will likely be late or very short. And I may not get a chance to link to it from here until after I get home. I just pray that eps 4.09 and 4.10 are completely epic because ... they seriously need to be to make up for the lameness of 4.07 and 4.08. I'm bummed right now because I thought 4.01 through 4.06 hummed along quite nicely until the Helen twist seem to throw everything off kilter. Oh well. Fingers and toes and everything crossed.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Covert Affairs 4.07: Crackity Jones
Crack Crack. Crackity Jones!!
Where the hell do I even start with this episode?? First off, I love the Pixies and they have SO many good song titles that would make EPIC episode titles ("Wave of Mutilation" anyone??) ... so why do they keep picking ones like Crackity Jones?? Actually I shouldn't complain about this one. At least this one is memorable. Unlike "Space (I Believe In)". BUT ... at the same time ... does it even MEAN anything relevant to the ep?? I'm assuming because the song is about a crazy guy who sees things (hallucinations) ... and the episode is about someone coming back from "the dead." So you'd feel like you were seeing things.
Whatever. I just didn't like episode. That's the bottom line. I had hoped beyond hope that the writers and director and everyone involved would pull off this Helen storyline in a believable way. That ... didn't happen. None of it worked for me. None of it. Except Barber and his little buddy whose name I forget. Barber is THE BEST and this was most definitely the best scene he's ever done. And guess who didn't listen to Barber's advice, AT ALL?? AUGGIE, that's who. Grrrr.
Also, Piper. At the end. The girl SOLD her heart out of that scene even if I didn't believe for one second that anyone in their right mind would break up based on the riddic events of this episode. Chris too, don't get me wrong, although I was frankly a bit disappointed that Auggie wasn't more upset than he was. I was also disappointed that Auggie did not disagree with Annie when she practically BEGGED him to. None of this made sense on any logical level. But Piper did act the shit out of that scene. And it (she + the scene) left me feeling like there was nothing good left in the entire world by the time it was over. All the flowers turned grey and died, the sky turned black, and every puppy in the world looked like that horrible SPCA commercial with Sarah McLachlan.
Anyway. Here's my review:
You can let me know if you think I'm nuts.
Where the hell do I even start with this episode?? First off, I love the Pixies and they have SO many good song titles that would make EPIC episode titles ("Wave of Mutilation" anyone??) ... so why do they keep picking ones like Crackity Jones?? Actually I shouldn't complain about this one. At least this one is memorable. Unlike "Space (I Believe In)". BUT ... at the same time ... does it even MEAN anything relevant to the ep?? I'm assuming because the song is about a crazy guy who sees things (hallucinations) ... and the episode is about someone coming back from "the dead." So you'd feel like you were seeing things.
Whatever. I just didn't like episode. That's the bottom line. I had hoped beyond hope that the writers and director and everyone involved would pull off this Helen storyline in a believable way. That ... didn't happen. None of it worked for me. None of it. Except Barber and his little buddy whose name I forget. Barber is THE BEST and this was most definitely the best scene he's ever done. And guess who didn't listen to Barber's advice, AT ALL?? AUGGIE, that's who. Grrrr.
Also, Piper. At the end. The girl SOLD her heart out of that scene even if I didn't believe for one second that anyone in their right mind would break up based on the riddic events of this episode. Chris too, don't get me wrong, although I was frankly a bit disappointed that Auggie wasn't more upset than he was. I was also disappointed that Auggie did not disagree with Annie when she practically BEGGED him to. None of this made sense on any logical level. But Piper did act the shit out of that scene. And it (she + the scene) left me feeling like there was nothing good left in the entire world by the time it was over. All the flowers turned grey and died, the sky turned black, and every puppy in the world looked like that horrible SPCA commercial with Sarah McLachlan.
Anyway. Here's my review:
You can let me know if you think I'm nuts.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Covert Affairs 4.06: Space (I Believe In)
Can we just talk for a sec about how the lighting in this scene made Kari Matchett look SUPER hot?? I mean don't get me wrong, she's always cute, but she was like on fiyah here. She was also pregnant when she filmed this, so she probably has that pregnancy glow thing going on here too.
Anywho. This episode was quite enjoyable, until the last 30 seconds. Then I wanted to blow up my TV. You know, that final twist? The one that most of us saw coming from miles away?? Uggh. Here's my review:
And if you're curious about the "goddamnit supercut" referenced at the beginning of the review, this is it. Think of Helen (a.k.a. "Helesa") while watching:
God. Damn it.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Covert Affairs 4.05: Here Comes Your Man
Hot damn, this show makes me want to travel everywhere in the universe. Well, everywhere that the show goes to, which is practically everywhere in the universe. Like Vienna:
O.k. well I guess this particular shot isn't exactly showing Vienna's distinctive attractions or landscape, but I'm a sucker for cool graffiti walls. Anyway this was a good episode, and the scenes in Vienna looked and sounded amazing. Stavros was hot, another of my fave hotties made a surprise appearance, and Calder Michaels turned into the worst human being ever to walk the earth. Here's my review:
Until next week ...
O.k. well I guess this particular shot isn't exactly showing Vienna's distinctive attractions or landscape, but I'm a sucker for cool graffiti walls. Anyway this was a good episode, and the scenes in Vienna looked and sounded amazing. Stavros was hot, another of my fave hotties made a surprise appearance, and Calder Michaels turned into the worst human being ever to walk the earth. Here's my review:
Until next week ...
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Covert Affairs Ep 402 - 404 Reviews
Remember that time I said I would be linking to my Covert Affairs reviews at GeekFurious from this blog? Yeah. I guess I got a little lazy with that. The reviews are still coming, I've just been forgetting to link to them from here. Here they are, the reviews for eps 402 through 404:
4.02 "Dig For Fire":
4.03 "Into the White":
4.04 "Rock a My Soul":
Hey! It's Barber! Enjoy!!
Annie Walker,
Arthur Campbell,
Auggie Anderson,
Calder Michaels,
Covert Affairs,
Dig For Fire,
Eric Barber,
Into the White,
Joan Campbell,
Rock a My Soul,
Teo Braga,
The Puma
Saturday, July 20, 2013
¡Vamos! Covert Affairs Season 4 Begins
I've thought about possibly creating a new blog that is just for my TV-related posts, but I ended up not doing it because I'm going to be reviewing Covert Affairs over at GeekFurious instead of on my own blog for season 4. And I can't guarantee how often I'll write posts about other shows, at least while I've still got my Bible Reviews project going on. I've been following and enjoying Magnus's blogs (ChuckGasmic, GeekFurious) ever since the Chuck days, and let's face it, reviewing Covert there means it'll actually get SEEN by a few people! Unlike here, where I'm lucky if I get 20 non-spam hits in an entire week.
Anyway, Covert Affairs' 4th season finally started last Tuesday.
If you're one of the few people who has actually read my blog before, you may recall that I got sucked into the show late last summer, and then reviewed several of the last few eps of the season. Here is my review of the season 4 opener over at GeekFurious:
I guess I'll keep linking to them from here the same way I do for my Bible blogs, though I'll be surprised if they bring any more hits.
Anyway, Covert Affairs' 4th season finally started last Tuesday.
![]() |
Mmmm, yes please. Teo Braga could be my new Simon Fischer. |
If you're one of the few people who has actually read my blog before, you may recall that I got sucked into the show late last summer, and then reviewed several of the last few eps of the season. Here is my review of the season 4 opener over at GeekFurious:
I guess I'll keep linking to them from here the same way I do for my Bible blogs, though I'll be surprised if they bring any more hits.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Here's my Proverbs review:
How exciting OMG!!!!
How exciting OMG!!!!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Job. Not like a job as in, an occupation. Job as in, the book of Job. The Bible book. Here it is:
Have fun, all you zero people who will ever click this link from this blog to my Job blog post.
Have fun, all you zero people who will ever click this link from this blog to my Job blog post.
book of Job,
land of Uz,
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
Yeesh, it has apparently been quite a long time since I've updated this blog with the links to my new Bible blog posts. Here they are:
Ezra, a pretty boring book:
Nehemiah, an even more boring book:
Esther, a sufficiently entertaining book:
Ezra, a pretty boring book:
Nehemiah, an even more boring book:
Esther, a sufficiently entertaining book:
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
2 Chronicles
Heeyy everyone (i.e. no one), here is my review of 2nd Chronicles!! It has a few interesting things in the "Bad Stuff" section. Check it out and get ready to be on the edge of your seat.
2 Chronicles,
Kings of Judah,
Friday, February 1, 2013
1 Chronicles
Here's 1st Chronicles. It's pretty boring except for the fact that Satan pops up out of nowhere about 2/3rds of the way in. Sneaky bastard.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
2 Kings
Oh whoops. I just realized that I forgot to post the link to my 2nd Kings review here. Not that anyone ever looks at these links and gets to my Bible blog that way. Well, it's extremely rare. Whatevers. Here's the link anyway:
Friday, January 11, 2013
1 Kings
As usual I'm posting this like a week late. But here is my review of 1st Kings:
The number of times that anyone has clicked on one of my bible reviews from this site is very low so I dunno why I bother posting these. But I'll probably keep doing it anyway.
The number of times that anyone has clicked on one of my bible reviews from this site is very low so I dunno why I bother posting these. But I'll probably keep doing it anyway.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
2 Samuel
It only took me 3 1/2 months between my 1st and 2nd Samuel reviews. Hey, at least it's better than the 5 months it took between Ruth and 1st Samuel. I'm late posting this link but here it is:
The good news is that I already finished reading 1st Kings too, so hopefully I'll have that review up soon.
The good news is that I already finished reading 1st Kings too, so hopefully I'll have that review up soon.
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