Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bible Studies With Mary Ploppins: Numbers

I FINALLY finished my review of Numbers, uggh.  That one took a while to read, and then it took another LONG while to write and finish the review.  Part of that was just me being busy, but another part was that I was finding it really hard to get through the review.

Details here: http://biblereviews.wordpress.com/2011/11/21/numbers/

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Update: Yvette Nicole Brown Cares About Her Fans

So, I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty bummed last night about all that twitter stuff that happened with Yvette Nicole Brown.   It was so random and weird and it really made me wish to the dear Lord above that I had never ever checked Twitter when I did.  I was really kicking myself for that, and I was then also kicking myself for even being bummed about it in the first place.  It had me seriously asking the following questions of myself:

  • HOW the EFF did I get myself into a frakking Twitter war about a TV GUIDE CONTEST!!??  WHAT the hell is wrong with me??  Is there something wrong with the way I’m living my life that I even got myself into this situation to begin with??  I mean look, for Yvette, it’s a totally different story – this is her JOB.  She’s trying to drum up publicity for Community because she is a castmember and she wants her show to succeed.  So of course it makes perfect sense for someone like her to be spending time on this.  But me??  Why the hell would I get myself into a situation where I’m having twitter discussions and fights about this TV Guide contest??  I don’t even work in the entertainment industry, for crap’s sake, and I haven’t gotten an issue of TV Guide for over a decade!!  So am I spending way too much time and energy into watching and discussing my favorite t.v. shows and movies??  Do I seriously need to get a life?
  • Am I an attention whore??  I’ve never thought of myself as such … I mean I like to get a laugh, or tell someone an enjoyable story, definitely.  But don’t we all seek attention from our friends and fam when we tell a really cool story, tell a funny joke, post a facebook status, post a tweet, etc.?  I don't think I fall outside "normal" range here.
  • Why am I even bummed about this and putting this much thought into at all??  There must be something wrong with me if I even care enough to be bummed in the first place.  And being bummed that I was bummed was just making me MORE. DAMN. BUMMED.