Saturday, September 21, 2013

Covert Affairs Eps 4.09 "Hang Wire" & 4.10 "Levitate Me"

Dear Covert Affairs, you are kiiiiiilllllllllling me.  Seriously.  There are few things in this fangirl's life that are more frustrating than to watch a TV show take its HUGE potential and squander it.

My last post was for episode 4.08, because I went out of town on vacation for a week and a half after that.  I was out of the country for 4.09 & 4.10, so this is my post to link to those two reviews.  At the time of my last post for 4.08, this is what I said:

I just pray that eps 4.09 and 4.10 are completely epic because ... they seriously need to be to make up for the lameness of 4.07 and 4.08.

So ... were they epic?  Well ... no.  They were not epic.  They were not horrible, don't get me wrong, but they just, were NOT epic either.  And rather than appease the frustrations I was already having after 4.07-8, they simply compounded and multiplied them.  And it all ended in this scene:

This scene that just ... it broke my fangirl heart, because it was something that could have been SO amazing.  It could have been.  It SHOULD have been.  There's no goddamn way this should have been anything other than ass-kickingly awesome.  But it just wasn't, and the problem was NOT the scene itself.  The scene on its own was wonderful.  The problem was that very little of what led into it made sense.  And therefore, the scene itself didn't hold much weight.

UGGH.  Anyway.  Just check out my reviews for the details.  Will they fuck up the back 6 when the fall season starts??  We've had 6 good eps this season and then 4 not-great ones in a row.  Somebody wave a magic TV wand for me, please.

Ep 4.09 "Hang Wire":

Ep 4.10 "Levitate Me":

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Covert Affairs 4.08: I've Been Waiting For You

Sigh.  Covert Affairs, WHY are you doing this to me??  You know how much I love our Sweet Puma Cub.  And last week's ep was so painful to watch, that I thought a Teo-heavy episode was going to be just the remedy we needed this week.  Turns out, there is actually such thing as too much Baby Teo.  Who would have predicted!?  It also turns out that Brooding Mysterious Teo is a lot sexier than Whiney Daddy-Issues Teo. 

I'm being a little unfair, because I actually liked the scene with Arthur in the woods.  But, the reason I had issues with it here was because it completely steamrolled over our MAIN characters.  Well, just read my full review and you'll see what I'm talking about:

I'll admit though, despite all that, the Teo-punching scene in the motel room was pretty awesome.

I'll on vacay next week so my review will likely be late or very short.  And I may not get a chance to link to it from here until after I get home.  I just pray that eps 4.09 and 4.10 are completely epic because ... they seriously need to be to make up for the lameness of 4.07 and 4.08.  I'm bummed right now because I thought 4.01 through 4.06 hummed along quite nicely until the Helen twist seem to throw everything off kilter.  Oh well.  Fingers and toes and everything crossed.