Saturday, October 26, 2013

Covert Affairs 4.12: Something Against You

My god, could Helen a.k.a. Helesa (remember her alias earlier in the season was Teresa something) BE any effing worse!?  She is not only a completely unnecessary and grating character, but she proved in this week's episode to be a TOTAL scammer.  Back in ep 4.07 she was all like, "Ohh whoops sorry Auggie I never loved you, it was all for the mission, duh!!"  "Oh Annie, falling in love is dangerous, going dark is the best!!  OMG it's soooo kewl you should try it out too!!  You can be SO awesome as a spy this way I swear!!  It's totes fun.  Love only slows you down.  Dump the loser and you can be cool like me."

And now this week she's all like, "OH wait what's that you say??  Annie's dead!?  OH in that case!  Auggie I DID love you, I never stopped loving you, I totally regret going dark what the hell was I thinking OMG!!??  Going dark is so lame I shoulda never done that shit!!"  UGGH.  Just go EAT A BAG OF Ds HELESA, SERIOUSLY.  And get out of our faces already.  You are a plot device and you're doing nothing but EFFING shit up in the most obnoxious way possible for the audience.

Anyway.  Despite my venomous reaction to Helesa being on my TV screen, luckily her screen time was kept mercifully short in this episode.  And the rest of the ep actually managed to be pretty damn good.  Two weeks in a row of good eps now.  Does Covert Affairs have its mojo back?  God ... please TV gods ... I pray to you that this is the case.

Annie has been thrown off the rails in this ep, and it appears that she may be starting to have feelings and stuff again, like a normal human.  Maybe.  I hope so.  We'll see what happens next week.  Here's my review at GeekFurious:


  1. I think Helesa's character could be good but not in this way as she was involved to the story. I liked her in the episode 407 but this "I never stopped being your wife thing". Seriously? Total no sense. And unfortunately in this way the whole character is no sense. (Shame because my favourite actress plays and I'm happy to see her in a US TV Show)

    1. Yeah nothing against Michelle Ryan. The only thing I've ever seen her in was Bionic Woman and she was fine in that. I just don't know what the writers were really going for when they brought this Helen character in. They haven't spent enough time on her to flesh her out properly, and then in her second major appearance, they had her contradict everything she'd said in her first appearance. Very odd.

    2. "then in her second major appearance, they had her contradict everything she'd said in her first appearance. "

      Exactly. My tutor in dramaschool would say that at second time she was totally out of her character as we knew her after her first appearence.
      I also see the writers don't know what to do with her character. I think they didn't bother themselves too much when they figured out the character. (I said somewhere, maybe they just put her in to be hatred...). Technically she just appeared in 1 full episode and some scenes in 2 other. Shame because I liked her in the episode 407, she looked a professional spy who put her mission before everything including her emotions. And I said total out of her character...

      I think now they can do 2 things with her:
      1) Kill her off quickly. And I think they'll do. I guess it'll turns up she's a traitor or something. ("The ex is the traitor" what a surprise...not)
      2) Bring her as series regular in Season 5 and write her a normal storyline not this soapy crap. (I don't think so...because Michelle doesn't appear in a TV Show for a longer time. As she said she doesn't like playing just one character for a longer a time. She didn't do TV work at all between 2009 and 2012, just movies and theatre. )

      I feel a little sorry for her by the way: This is the second time she's playing in a US TV Show (and I know that's a big thing for her) and again she got a character what she can't do too much with it. And it's a shame because I know she's a good actress. (I see almost all her works and not just on screen, I saw her in theatre as well.)

      Anyway last year I had the chance to speak some of the actors from the Bionic Woman (including Michelle) and they all said that it was a fail from the beginning. (However I think it's not as bad as many people says) because the NBC and the producers had total different imaginations about the show. Despite all these Michelle said she loved doing it but she felt it wouldn't be a long show..
      (But I'll always grateful for the show because I saw Michelle first in that short-lived show. Which was surprising for her because here in the UK most of the people knows her from the EastEnders soap opera. But I don't like soaps too much. -and actually that's my problem with Covert Affairs in this Season...Sometimes I feel I'm watching a bad soap opera...-)
