Later, I got into Jack and Jennifer, Carrie and Austin, etc. I watched Days pretty religiously for an entire decade of my life - from the ages of 10 to 20. Now, this was before the days of TiVo, and using VHS tapes to record stuff every day was a pain in the ass, so during the schoolyear, I wasn't able to watch very much (and once I was in jr. high, school didn't even get out till 4pm). But every single summer I would go back to watching it daily, and catch up on everything I had missed over the schoolyear. I remember getting hooked on it hard enough that I was extremely stressed out one summer when I was 14 and we took a big family road trip vacay through several states over a couple-week period, including a visit to the Grand Canyon, and I realized that during this vacay, I was going to be missing a VERY riveting plotline on Days. I seem to recall it involving some sort of yacht or cruise ship accident (a bomb maybe?) and Jack and Jennifer then being stranded on an island somewhere. Exciting!! I think all I could do was to try to catch it whenever I could at whatever little motel room we were staying in each day, but I can't imagine that was very successful given that we were out doing things in the middle of the day every single day. It was terrible - I was like a heroin addict being forced through detox, and it gave me the shakes.
By the time I was in college, the storylines on Days got too ridiculous even for me to be able to handle. Once Marlena got possessed by the devil, that was pretty much the final nail in the coffin for me, and I swore it off for good. Though I did end up watching Another World for a year or so after that because I got into a couple on that show (Josie and Gary). Then that storyline must have fizzled out pretty fast because I stopped watching that by like 1997, and it got canceled not too long after.
Anywho, all of this is to basically say that to this day, I have a theory that my soap obsession during my formative years has turned me into a bit of a sucker for t.v. storylines with a little teeny bit of a "soapy" twist to them, even as an adult. Look, I don't want anything TOO ridiculous, don't get me wrong. I don't watch crap like Desperate Housewives or even Grey's Anatomy, which I've always found to be cheesy and terrible whenever I've seen episodes of it. I need my t.v. shows to be quality entertainment, BUT ... throw in a little twist of some slight melodrama, a wacky plot, or a "will-they-won't-they" romance, and it's not gonna be incredibly hard to reel me in hook line and sinker as long as I really like the characters and the actors.
And when it comes to romance storylines ("will-they-won't-they" or otherwise), if you REALLY want to get me, add in a splash of DANGER for the characters. Put them in peril and ratchet that drama up by an extra thousand degrees, and I am yours for the long haul. Hence my love for the aforementioned Jack/Jennifer boat accident storyline. Don't get me wrong, the danger element is not a must by any means, but it will often elevate me from "I love this show" status to "I am obsessed with this show to an unhealthy degree" status. I'm not even entirely sure if I can blame my early soap exposure for this either, because it could just be that I already had this in me, and watching soaps simply made me realize it early on. It's a chicken and egg situation, and I'm not sure which came first.

Now, with that said, the thing that got me thinking about my soapy past was that one of the current t.v. shows I watch just finished its season with a great romantic ending for the "will-they-won't-they" couple amidst some possibly slightly soapy or cliche storylines. I'm actually kind of conflicted because the show itself has some pretty significant weaknesses, and yet I love the "couple" on the show so much that I tend to forgive all its other problems (which I probably shouldn't, but I can't help it). So I was thinking that I would do a list of my favorite TV romances and examine/rate the romance storyline, the show itself, and whether there were any soapy elements present to affect my opinion. Then we'll see how they all stack up. This blog entry will be way too long if I try to do that in this post, so I will do a separate post for each. So lookout for the first one of those in the next post (I say this to all my loyal readers, who include me, me, and me, and occasionally my husband). Try to avoid dying from desperate anticipation in the meantime.
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