Monday, August 29, 2011

Bible Studies with Mary Ploppins

O.k. so … after my last couple blog posts where I blabbed about my thoughts on religion … I decided that I really need to FINALLY get to one of the tasks that I’ve been saying I am going to do (and procrastinating) for the past 15 years plus.  And that is to read The Bible.  The whole bible … cover to cover.  A majority of Christians have not done this from what I’ve observed … and when I was Christian I never did it either.  I just took in whatever pieces of it that my Sunday School and Christian School classes wanted to give me.  So everything I ever got was through the filter of someone else.

I made the decision around the age of 18 or so that religion no longer made sense to me.  But I’m thinking that to make a fully informed decision one way or the other, I should ACTUALLY read the bible.  So I’m finally doing it now.  I’ve got the King James version on my Kindle, and I am also using the “New International Version” on the website along with that to help me translate the more undecipherable verses in the King James version (I’m actually reading them both simultaneously to make sure I’m not missing anything).

In a sense I think it’s almost a good thing that I was SO terrible at paying attention to the bible stories I was taught when I was a kid, because I can somewhat be a clean slate (and maybe a bit more objective) while reading it now, ha ha.  I mean not entirely of course, I remember the basics of the major stories, but I am finding that there are a ton of gory details that they don’t give you in Sunday School, now that I am reading it for myself.  And of course I can’t really be objective because obviously I’m coming from one particular point of view going into this.  But my lack of memory on the details definitely helps me to be more objective than I could be otherwise.

I’m thinking it would be kinda fun to do a book review of every book of the bible, as if it is a regular New York Times bestseller or something.  So far I have read Genesis (hot damn that is a LONG-ass book, 50 chapters).  So I’ll do a post of that review first (in a separate post from this one).  I’m almost wondering if I should start a separate blog for this, but I can’t yet guarantee how far I’ll get on this little project of mine, so let me start it off on this blog for now, heheh.  Since no one reads this blog (other than my husband and I’m already talking to him about this stuff in person), I’m mainly posting this stuff at this point for my own memory.  The bible is LONG and by the time I get a few books in, I’m gonna forget half the stuff that happened earlier if I don’t write this stuff down.

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