I've thought about possibly creating a new blog that is just for my TV-related posts, but I ended up not doing it because I'm going to be reviewing
Covert Affairs over at
GeekFurious instead of on my own blog for season 4. And I can't guarantee how often I'll write posts about other shows, at least while I've still got my
Bible Reviews project going on. I've been following and enjoying Magnus's blogs (ChuckGasmic, GeekFurious) ever since the
Chuck days, and let's face it, reviewing
Covert there means it'll actually get SEEN by a few people! Unlike here, where I'm lucky if I get 20 non-spam hits in an entire week.
Covert Affairs' 4th season finally started last Tuesday.
Mmmm, yes please. Teo Braga could be my new Simon Fischer. |
If you're one of the few people who has actually read my blog before, you may recall that I got
sucked into the show late last summer, and then reviewed several of the last
few eps of the season. Here is my review of the season 4 opener over at GeekFurious:
I guess I'll keep linking to them from here the same way I do for my Bible blogs, though I'll be surprised if they bring any more hits.